HALLMARK - Treat the Source, Not the Symptoms
Fight inflammation at the cellular level
9 powerful, scientifically proven ingredients that work synergistically to be an anti-inflammatory powerhouse that optimizes cellular function and makes you feel your best!
Ingredients work synergistically to:

Scientist Discover
the 11 Keys to Optimal Health
Our daily lives are bombarded by promoters of chronic inflammation such as poor diet and lifestyle choices, stress, toxins, pollutants and more.
That's a problem because chronic inflammation is linked to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, and more.
HALLMARK is the only product that supports all 11 hallmarks of healthy cells - it's your anti-inflammatory super defense against disease.

The 11 Hallmarks?
What are they? Why do they matter?
There are 11 primary causes ("hallmarks") of cellular dysfunction. Alone or in combination they can cause cancer and other chronic diseases. HALLMARK is designed to combat all 11, helping your body achieve the normal, healthy state for all 11 hallmarks. HALLMARK flips the 11 primary causes of cellular dysfunction and disease on their heads and promotes the 11 Hallmarks of Health.
formulated from nine of nature's most potent helpers that promote peak (cellular) health.


Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, famous for its bright yellow-orange color, distinctive flavor and medicinal qualities.
Most companies peddle supplements made from powdered turmeric or non-standardized curcumin extracts that pass through you without significant benefit due to low bioavailability and low potency.
Even many well-known brands promise to be “pure curcumin” and prominently advertise 95% standardized curcumin, hoping you will think they contain only standardized curcumin – but most are as much as 90% cheap turmeric powder with a dash of standardized curcumin mixed in.
We don’t play those games.
HALLMARK uses – exclusively – the purest, most potent form of curcumin that exists, patented 95% tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THCs). THCs offer better free radical fighting antioxidant activity [a], better anti-inflammatory activity [b] and are more bioavailable [c] than 95% standardized curcuminoids.
Co-formulation with a blend of patented botanical extracts provides a further boost in bioavailability of up to 4000% [d,e], so HALLMARK safely and reliably delivers your benefits.
Curcumin is a powerhouse for Hallmarks:
2: Promotes appropriate cellular response to growth signals[f]
3: Supports normal cellular response to anti-growth signals[g]
5: Facilitates a normal cellular response to senescence[h]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[i]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[j]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[k]
Other important benefits of curcumin:
Promotes healthy cognitive function [l]
Promotes cardiovascular health [m]
Supports a healthy mood [n]
Supports healthy aging processes [o,p]
Aids liver health [q]
Helps foster healthy immunity [r]
Promotes healthy joint mobility [s,t]
Works synergistically with trans-Resveratrol [u,v,w]
Works synergistically with Milk Thistle [x]
Works synergistically with Green Tea [y,z,a1]
Works synergistically with Quercetin [b1,c1]

Green Tea

Green Tea
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), green tea has been associated with health and longevity for thousands of years [d1]. It has taken Western medicine longer to recognize the power of green tea, but recognize that power it has, with more rigorous academic studies being performed each year than the prior year for nearly twenty consecutive years.
Green tea is an abundant sources of free radical fighting, antioxidant polyphenols, but it is the most abundant source of an important sub-class of polyphenols called catechins, and one catechin in particular: epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG [e1]. The majority of the health benefits attributed to green tea are based on numerous studies conducted on EGCG [f1], which has been shown to effectively scavenge free radicals [g1] and activate your internal free radical fighting mechanisms in numerous ways [h1,i1,j1,k1].
HALLMARK sources the most potent form of green tea extract available, standardized to 98% polyphenols, 80% catechins and 60% EGCG, bringing you the best of green tea’s benefits.
Green tea is a powerhouse for Hallmarks:
2: Promotes appropriate cellular response to growth signals[f]
3: Supports normal cellular response to anti-growth signals[g]
4: Appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death[l1]
5: Facilitates a normal cellular response to senescence[h]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[i]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[j]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[k]
Other important benefits of green tea:
Promotes healthy cognitive function[m1,n1]
Promotes cardiovascular health[o1,p1,q1]
Supports healthy aging processes[r1,s1,t1]
Helps foster healthy insulin response[u1]
Promotes prostate health[v1]
Promotes healthy joint mobility[w1]
Works synergistically with Curcumin[x1,y1,z1]
Works synergistically with Reishi Mushroom[a2]
Works synergistically with Quercetin[b2]

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom
Ganoderma lucidum, a mushroom known as Reishi in Japanese Kampo Medicine and Ling Zhi in TCM, has been a multi-functional staple for over two thousand years. Reishi was considered to be the highest of the "superior plants" in TCM, revered for the wide range of ailments it could treat and its effectiveness.
Reishi is also considered an adaptogen, which are naturally occurring, non-toxic substances that can help protect your body from stress by stabilizing and optimizing a number of physiological functions. Reishi also exhibits potent free-radical scavenging activity [c2,d2].
HALLMARK sources the most potent form of Reishi extract available, standardized to ≥30% polysaccharides, bringing you the best of Reishi’s benefits.
Reishi is a powerhouse for the following Hallmarks:
3: Supports normal cellular response to anti-growth signals[p6,q6,r6,s6,t6]
4: Appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death[u6,s6,t6]
5: Facilitates a normal cellular response to senescence[v6]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[w6]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[x6]
9: Appropriate cellular localization and mobility [e2,f2]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[y6]
11: Promotes normal response to the immune system[g2]
Other important benefits of Reishi:
Aids liver health[h2,i2]
Helps foster healthy immunity[j2,k2]


As with curcumin, most companies sell supplements made of low concentration "resveratrol" extracts, neglecting to inform potential customers that resveratrol consists of two types of molecules, known as isomers, which are mirror images of each other. Why does that matter?
The human body is exquisitely tuned to distinguish between isomers, and in the case of resveratrol, the "trans" isomer provides the desired bioactivity, while the "cis" isomer does not. So, companies that sell "50%" or "90%" resveratrol products are actually selling only 25% or 45% active trans-resveratrol. They are taking 100% of your money for 50% bioactivity.
Again, we don’t play those games.
HALLMARK uses the purest, most potent form of resveratrol available, 99% trans-resveratrol (from Japanese knotweed root), and combines it with other complementary ingredients to synergistically boost its effectiveness.
trans-Resveratrol is a powerhouse for the following Hallmarks:
1: Genetic stability[l2]
2: Promotes appropriate cellular response to growth signals[f]
3: Supports normal cellular response to anti-growth signals[g]
6: Healthy cellular metabolism[m2]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[i]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[j]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[k]
Other important benefits of trans-Resveratrol:
Promotes healthy cognitive function[n2,o2]
Promotes cardiovascular health[p2,q2,r2]
Supports healthy aging processes[s2,t2,u2]
Promotes healthy joint mobility[v2,w2,x2]
Helps foster healthy insulin response[y2,z2,a3]
Works synergistically with Curcumin[u,v,w,b3]
Works synergistically with Green Tea[c3,d3,e3]
Works synergistically with Quercetin[f3,g3,h3,i3]


Curcumin, resveratrol, green tea, and other potent antioxidants that promote the 11 Hallmarks of Health may be better known, but Quercetin deserves its place among the group. Quercetin has been shown to activate the body's antioxidant defense systems [j3,k3,l3] and is a potent anti-inflammatory agent with neuroprotective effects [m3,n3,o3,p3]. It also works with other HALLMARK ingredients synergistically to enhance their collective effect.
Once again, HALLMARK uses only the purest, most bioavailable form of quercetin available, 98% quercetin dihydrate (from Japanese pagoda tree flower buds), to maximize benefits for your body and your wallet.
Quercetin is a powerhouse for the following Hallmarks:
4: Appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death[q3,r3,s3]
5: Facilitates a normal cellular response to senescence[t3,u3,v3]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[w3]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[x3,y3,z3,a4]
9: Appropriate cellular localization and mobility [b4,c4,d4]
Other important benefits of Quercetin:
Promotes healthy cognitive function[e4,f4]
Promotes cardiovascular health[g4,h4,i4]
Supports healthy aging processes[j4]
Promotes normal histamine levels[k4,l4]
Works synergistically with trans-Curcumin[b1,c1]
Works synergistically with trans-Resveratrol[f3,g3,h3,i3,m4]
Works synergistically with Green Tea[b2,n4]

Milk Thistle (Silymarin)

Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
Milk thistle, and particularly extracts of milk thistle seeds, have been used in traditional medicine since at least the first century AD. It is known as a formidable warrior against oxidative stress and inflammation [k5,l5,m5,n5,o5], which are the pillars of most chronic ailments [p5,q5,r5,l6,m6].
As is our mission, HALLMARK contains the purest, most potent form of milk thistle extract available, standardized to ≥80% silymarin to maximize effectiveness.
Milk thistle is a powerhouse for the following Hallmarks:
2: Promotes appropriate cellular response to growth signals[z6,a7]
3: Supports normal cellular response to anti-growth signals[b7,c7,d7]
4: Appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death[o4,p4,q4,r4,s4]
5: Facilitates a normal cellular response to senescence[t4,u4,v4]
6: Healthy cellular metabolism[y4,z4]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[w4]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[x4,y4,z4]
9: Appropriate cellular localization and mobility [a5,b5,c5]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[e7]
11: Promotes normal response to the immune system[f7]
Other important benefits of Milk Thistle:
Promotes liver health[d5,e5,f5]
Promotes healthy cognitive function[g5,h5,i5,j5]
Promotes neuroprotective effects[g5,h5,i5,j5]
Works synergistically with curcumin[x]

Astragalus Membranaceus And Panax Notoginseng

Astragalus Membranaceus And Panax Notoginseng
Astragalus membranaceus root is highly regarded in TCM and considered an adaptogen, working with the body to regulate the effects of physical, mental and emotional stress.
Panax notoginseng is also an important TCM herb, notable for the beneficial antioxidant flavonoids found in its root.
HALLMARK includes a patented combination of Astragalus and Ginseng called AstraGin®, which has been shown to increase nutrient absorption by up to 92% [e], maximizing the effectiveness of HALLMARK's premium ingredients to promote peak cellular health.
In addition to increasing the bioavailability of other HALLMARK ingredients, Astragalus and Panax notoginseng are important for the following Hallmarks:
2: Promotes appropriate cellular response to growth signals[s5]
4: Appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death[t5,u5]
5: Facilitates a normal cellular response to senescence[v5]
7: Promotes a healthy inflammatory response[w5,x5,y5,z5,a6]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[b6]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[n6]
11: Promotes normal response to the immune system[o6]
Other important benefits of Astragalus and Panax notoginseng:
Supports healthy aging processes[c6,d6,e6,f6,g6]
Promotes healthy cognitive function[h6,i6]
Promotes healthy response to stress[j6]
Promotes cardiovascular health[k6]


Peppercorns are far more than just the most widely used spice in the world. They contain piperine, which possesses powerful antioxidant [g7,h7] and anti-inflammatory activity [h7,i7,j7,k7]. Importantly, piperine is also an effective bioenhancer [l7,m7], which is an agent capable of increasing bioavailability and efficacy of other compound(s) it is administered with, including those in HALLMARK.
HALLMARK includes the gold standard ≥95% standardized piperine called BioPerine®, which has been clinically shown to increase curcumin absorption by 2000% [g8], as well as the absorption of numerous other nutrients [h8-j8], again maximizing HALLMARK's ability to promote peak cellular health.
Piperine is a powerhouse for the following Hallmarks:
2: Promotes appropriate cellular response to growth signals[n7,o7]
3: Supports normal cellular response to anti-growth signals[p7]
4: Appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death[n7,p7,q7,r7,s7]
8: Helps maintain normal angiogenesis[t7]
9: Appropriate cellular localization and mobility [n7,o7,u7,v7]
10: Encourages a healthy cellular microenvironment[k]
Other important benefits of Piperine:
Promotes cardiovascular health[w7,x7,y7]
Promotes healthy cognitive function[z7,a8]
Supports healthy mood[a8,b8,c8,d8,e8]
Supports healthy aging processes[f8]
What People are saying
Mari S.
"NutraFocus gave me my life back. At 57, my hip pain was so bad, I could barely climb a flight of stairs. I was taking 12+ Advil 200mg/day, just to get around. I couldn't go from sitting to standing without pushing up with both arms. I was embarrassed feeling like I was 90. My stepmom suggested I try NutraFocus. That was less than a year ago. I climb 30 flights of stairs/day now, and have maybe had 2 Advil in the last 6 months, and that was for a headache! I will never go without it!"
Joan W.
"I know it is helping my over all health and well being plus, the anti-inflammatory effect is noticeable. As one with significant osteoarthritis, ANY reduction in pain is beneficial."
Nadine B.
"Taking HALLMARK gives me peace-of-mind knowing that I am adding to my body’s defenses against cancer, anti-aging and negative environmental factors.
Before HALLMARK, I also had a lack of energy and brain fog. But it has improved my energy level and relieved much of my brain fog. Also, on a side note, my fingernails are much stronger than before I started taking the supplement.....
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.